Monday, February 20, 2012

Feel His hurt no more

I hear winds bring  news
of my love,still running around
longing to know my heart,my views
a tireless effort,hardship bound...

o love,be hurt no more for being apart
As I, who could hurt most, am gone
my dear,you stay in the numbness of my heart
only to cherish ,not to mourn.
o love be hurt no more..

o love be hurt no more
I am always your mirror to tell
to tell you about the new you
unbreakable at times of farewell
now ready to fight every hell
so love be hurt no more..

so love be hurt no more
for they can never understand
that God answers not on waterless shore
you have to feel it in the grasp of hand
in the depths of sand
They try clutching it all
A few grains stick to their palm
as reminders of the rest that fall....

so love be hurt no more
for we have felt His answers
in sleepless nights behind bar
but they do not understand 'His'...
just like they did not understand 'our'...

so love be hurt no more
love be hurt no more
be hurt no more
hurt no more
no more
no more.......


  1. inspired by works of rumi,shams...

  2. Awesum . . I luv it. .

  3. i cldnt get the hiden message of these verses ? can u explain me plz .. shehzad here

  4. Share your poetry with us in the group Life . . .
    We 'l very very much waiting . . .

  5. the beuty of poems is meaning within a meaning within a meaning..everyone reading it percieves it with respect to his own life and experiences.thats the beuty:) you do not have to know all the exact hidden can make your own explanations of it :)

  6. thankyou rittik.i am honoured:) i sure will.

  7. kuch kuch smj ayae mje............
    or ye acha laga

    a few grains stk to their palm
    as remindr of rest that fall...........
